Material: The Gospel-Centered Life
Progress: 9th session 'Conflict' Bible passage: Galatians 2:11-14 [Summary] Conflict is what we can expect from all the relationships. While conflict itself is not a sin, it can easily lead us to sin. Therefore, we need to examine how we approach this conflict in order to make a change. Normally, there are two main ways to approach the conflict. One is attacker and the other is withdrawer. And everyone finds themselves in those two depending on the situation and the people. However, those are not the gospel-centered approach. In the gospel, our biblical conflict resolution would be a proper motivation (love), confidence (faith), and means for resolving conflict (grace and truth). Material: The Gospel-Centered Life
Progress: 8th session 'Forgiveness' Bible passage: Matthew 18:21-35 [Summary] Forgiveness is required in every relationship because no one is perfect. As the today's parable points out, all Christians should forgive others. It is not because we can get favor from God by doing so, but because we are already forgiven. Forgiveness is not easy and no one can do it on his own. However, the gospel helps us to focus on our sins instead of someone who offended us - by knowing that offended God initiated the reconciliation with the offender (us). Therefore, we will be motivated and learn how to forgive others through the gospel. Material: The Gospel-Centered Life
Progress: 7th session 'Mission' Bible passage: Galatians 5:13-15 [Summary] Our tendency toward the gospel is more personal (internal) than relational (external). However, when the gospel works in us, it always works through us as well. Therefore, the gospel is not only internal and personal, but also external and relational. As the gospel changes our hearts and motivation in regard of our personal relationship with God, it also motivates and compels us to extend our love to our neighbors. It is common that Christians feel that the mission work (serving others, sharing the gospe and etc.) is a mandatory duty rather than a joyful reaction to God's grace. However, when the gospel works in us, it reveals our sins laid behind our unwilling to serve others and gives us the promises which is enough to renew our hearts. |
11월 2019