Material: The Gospel-Centered Life
Progress: 4th session 'The Law and Gospel' [Summary] The relationship between law and gospel is good to be addressed for the Christians. If we think that we are saved through faith, therefore, we don't need to keep the law anymore, we fell into the license. However, we think that we should obey the law so that we can please God through our works, then it is legalism. We should be able to answer to the question that whether we are supposed to obey the law or not, after the conversion. The law was given to show who God is (purpose of the law). By keeping it, we could please God and walk with God. However, no one can keep the law perfectly. So the function of the law became a mirror (to show how sinful we are) and a guardian (bring us to Christ). Although we are saved through the gospel not through the law, we still need the law to know who God is (purpose of the law). As a Christian, we still need to meditate the law and learn about God through it. Also, we are to try to keep it not to be saved (because we are not under the law), but to please God. It is not a burden but a joy. By doing that, we will know more of God's holiness as well as our sinfulness everyday, which will take us to the gospel.
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11월 2019